
Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Top 10 Picks Of The Week

Hey everyone and happy Thursday!! Normally this would be my last night of work for the week but I decided I'm taking the night off. Yes I know I'm already off all of next week but sometimes when you feel burned out it's best not to push yourself. After this long relaxing vacation I'll be back at work on Labor Day feeling refreshed and ready to get to it. Who's ready for the weekend?? If you're planning on doing a little shopping this weekend I have found some amazing items at a great store that you should totally check out.


I don't really do a lot of shopping at Express but I'm always passing by the window at the mall admiring items from afar so I decided this past weekend to actually go in and check it out. If I worked in a business setting and I needed nice dressy clothes for work I would shop here all the time because they have some amazing stuff for business women :) Luckily I was able to find some stuff more geared towards someone like me who doesn't need to dress up for work but still wants to look nice. They had a great sale going on when I went on jeans and summer items but it was the new fall clothing that caught my attention. Even though it's still way too hot to dress in full fall gear just yet, I'm getting ready for when the temps finally drop enough for me to do just that. So, what items made the top 10 this week? 

My Picks

After much searching and deliberation over many different items I finally decided on the following picks for my top 10 picks of the week...

I LOVE distressed skinny jeans. They are my go to jeans that I wear with almost everything so naturally when I saw they were on sale I had to try a pair on. Unfortunately these were a little big and I didn't want to go search for a smaller size so these went back to the rack. 

#2 Pink lace up top *similar item linked 

I thought this top was so pretty and the material was very silky which I love but I wasn't thrilled with how my arms looked in this one...time to workout I decided not to get it. 

This dress is so cute. The print is unique and the cut is perfect. I loved the way it looked on me but in the end I chose another item that I liked just a bit better.

I have so many floral dresses and I certainly didn't need another one but something about this dress called to me so I tried it on. Boy am I glad I did!! The material and cut of this dress are perfect and it looked so good on me that I knew this was the winner as soon as I put it on. I'll be featuring this beauty on a future post :) 

I need an animal print top in my life so bad and I almost walked away with this cutie but the dress fit way too good to pass up. HAHA. The material is very silky and would be great for business attire. There are multiple colors in this top so if you aren't a fan of leopard print then I'm sure you can find a print you love.

This was one of the beautiful summer items that Express still has available and I thought it was way too cute not to try on. I love the colors and the material but it was too low on the sides for my liking so it went back to the rack. 

My mom actually picked this one out for me to try on and I thought it was super adorable. I love the lace detail and the color is gorgeous but I didn't like the way it looked on me so I put it back for someone else to love :) 

#8 Black floral blouse *similar item linked

This blouse reminds me of a top I saw in my moms closet in the 80s. I think it's so pretty and would be great to wear out to dinner or to the office but I didn't like the way it looked on me so I put it back. 

I LOVE this sweater and the style is perfect for fall but it's still way too hot here in Texas to be wearing that right now. Cold shoulder everything is really in style this season especially sweaters so I may just come back for this beauty when the weather cools off.

I love this adorable top. It fit perfectly and the style is super in right now. I personally don't like off the shoulder tops that much but I'd wear this one just how it appears on the hanger....on my shoulders. LOL I would've gotten this one but I wanted the dress more. 

Do you shop at Express? Which of these picks is your favorite? How would you style it to make an awesome fall outfit? I'd love to hear from you so leave me a comment and let me know what you think. I hope you have an amazing day and happy shopping :)

Goodbye for now...Fashionable Tigress

Be sure to follow along on social media and spread the love by sharing this post with all your friends.



  1. My favorite on this list would be the lace-up tank top (#2) if it came in a color similar to the lace tank (#7).

    1. I'm not sure if it does or not Sheila. But I agree that would be such a beautiful top and I like the color of #7 better too ❤

  2. Cute picks. I love the lace up top and floral dress the most.

    1. Thanks Delaine ๐Ÿ˜Š the floral dress is my favorite๐Ÿ˜

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Sarah ๐Ÿ˜Š I almost got the leopard top. It is really comfortable

  4. It's been AGES since I've been in an Express, but I loved that store when I was in high school and college! Your picks are cute... Maybe I should shop there again!

    1. You really should. They have some really cute stuff out right now and I didn't see their cute graphic tees until I was walking out the door. Now I have to go back lol

  5. Great picks lovely!


  6. I love these pieces! I would wear all of them.

    1. Thanks Celeste๐Ÿ˜Š they really are all super cute

  7. Replies
    1. It was so hard to pass on #3. I may go back for it. #7 is an amazing color ๐Ÿ˜
